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Egg Race
5 Driving Games

Egg Race


What is an Egg Race?

Egg Race is a fun and challenging driving game where you must navigate your car through various obstacles and terrains while carrying a precious egg. Reaching the finish line without breaking the egg is the aim.

How to Play:

  1. Set-Up:

    • Both the start and finish lines should be marked.
    • Provide each player with a spoon and an egg.
  2. Race:

    • Players balance the egg on the spoon and race to the finish line.
    • If a player drops the egg, they must stop, retrieve it, and carefully place it back on the spoon before continuing.
  3. Winning:

    • The first player to reach the finish line without dropping the egg wins!


  • Obstacles: Add obstacles like cones or chairs to make the race more challenging.
  • Teams: Divide players into teams and have them race in relays.
  • Mouth Race: Players hold the spoon in their mouths instead of their hands.


  • To make things less messy, use hard-boiled eggs.
  • Practice balancing the egg on the spoon before the race.
  • Walk or jog slowly at first to get a feel for the balance.
  • Keep your eyes on the egg and the finish line.

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